Thursday, September 25, 2008

Washington Post article today

Just a quickie today, folks. Adrian Higgins of the Washington Post visited Atlock Farm on Coleus Day, and here's what he wrote:

Sorry that it's not linked, but the software isn't responding to my request to add the link. I'm looking into this. In the meantime, please cut and paste the URL (above) into your browser.

Naturally, I'm thrilled with the article! Please post a comment in the box under the slideshow box if you feel moved to do so.

Also, below is a teaser picture from Coleus Day. I know I promised to make a post soon after Coleus Day, but I've been here, there, and everywhere (a Beatles song in my head now) and will make a bigger post soonish.

Engulfed in coleus - not a bad thing, huh?

No, I'm not in that picture. That comes later.