Thursday, July 19, 2007

Welcome to the blog!

Welcome to the blog! Allow me introduce myself: I’m Ray Rogers. I usually describe myself as a freelance gardening author and speaker (see, but in this sphere I’d like to express my alter ego as a long-time coleus enthusiast and someone who wants to help create the Coleus Society. This site went online just a few days ago, so please bear with me as the kinks get worked out. Not that there seem to be many, thanks to the creative and diligent efforts of my website designer, Cie Stroud (

OK, enough for now with the introductions. I’ll be sharing plenty more about myself and others as the site and the Coleus Society develop. Today I’d like to encourage you to explore the site and fill out the survey linked on the Membership page (if you haven’t done so already). The information you provide will be carefully considered and will help make the Society a reality.

Sometimes I call myself a horticultural missionary, so I view this blog as my personal pulpit (call it a soapbox or stump, if you like) for proclaiming my zeal for all things coleus. It’s my hope that as the site and Society develop, many opportunities and outlets will arise for us to share our enthusiasm and knowledge. Until this site offers a more direct public method for give and take between you and me, please feel free to contact me at Typing “coleus society” or something similar in the subject line will be appreciated.

I’m looking forward to meeting many coleophiles (my pseudo-technical word for coleus enthusiast) through this site and in person. Perhaps by this time next year we’ll be putting the final touches on the plans for the first meeting of the Coleus Society. A coleophile can dream, can’t he?